Sunday, May 23, 2010

What time is it?


Ahem. Sorry for the High School Musical reference, but who doesn’t love summer? It started yesterday and I’m already taking advantage of the late nights and even later mornings. Man, I love sleeping in. No more waking up at four just to make the bus. No more fighting over the shower with my brother. And, most importantly, no more school for two months.

Then there’s the fact that in two months, it’s back to the monotonous routine and waiting until the weekends to get that twelve hours of sleep I need every night but never get during school days. However, I’ll be a sophomore in high school, which means I get to pick my classes. My electives? Driver’s ed, health (mandatory), psychology, sociology, and mythology. On top of that, I have Honor’s English. It will be a great year.

Unfortunately I will be attending some form of classes over the summer. However! It will be coding classes. Yes, I’m going to try to learn JavaScript and PHP. Gotta work on that sim dream somehow, right? Can’t wait until I can get a job so that I can start saving up more money. Most of the money I earn from now on will be set aside for future expenses with my sim. That means I have $150 saved so far.

Any time I spend away from the computer will most definitely go towards swimming at my friend’s pool. She has a salt water pool which means I can open my eyes underwater (I wear contacts). It’s always cheaper than chlorine and great for your skin!

Anyone else excited for the summer?

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