Saturday, June 5, 2010

I'm still here

Well, obviously there has been a lack of updates on OV. Yes, I know, I suck about keeping up with everything. But it's summer. I'm still a teenager and, believe it or not, I have actual real-life friends that I love to spend time with. Lately, I have been going over to my friend's house to swim and that has been keeping me busy.

On the bright side, the review of Mweor is halfway done. It may sound like I have gotten hardly anything done, but it's a super long review. I may actually have to go through and revise it. I may just post a short version and then add a link to the full-length version for those who want to read it. It pains me to do so, but it would be a huge relief for those who just to read a quick evaluation.

I promise not all my reviews will be like that. It's just that I have a lot to say about Mweor and a lot I feel I need to explain (perhaps the expositions will be the only parts I cut, but I'm not sure). I know there will be reviews that will be rather short, such as Wolf-Haven and Dog Dayzz. It may seem like I'm favoring certain sims, and I suppose I am. This is a review blog. It's focused on my opinions.

I spoke to my mother about putting forth most of the money I save for a while towards managing a sim. She doesn't like the idea. She thinks I should spend my money on something tangible. I just don't think she realizes how much I value the virtual internet over materialistic things. Would she rather I buy a dress or something? It's an article of clothing that will eventually wear out and is something only I can enjoy. A sim, a website that's available to public, is something that anyone can enjoy.

Sims are more than just fantasies. They're a way to escape from the tortures and bothers of reality. Everyone needs a way out, and sims just happen to be an asylum for hundreds of thousands of people. They can be distractions, but sometimes you just need to be distracted. You need to be distracted from your family, your friends, school, work, or even just your emotions. It may sound ridiculous to some of you, but sims can save people from disaster.

I'm getting too sentimental now. Maybe it's because what my mom said upset me (she rarely does anything to bother me, as she is my best friend). I feel I need to verify the ways managing a sim is more rewarding than something I can hold or wear. I want her to understand, and she wants to understand, but there's the unfortunate barrier of different generations. Even though she acts like a child more often than not, she's still an adult and my mother. I guess I'll just have to work towards showing her.

Sorry for my late night ramblings. Just felt like writing something.

1 comment:

  1. It's great to see you're still out there!

    I look forward to seeing your reviews! :D

    I thoroughly agree that games (Sims/Rpgs) are a good way to escape reality, they give you a place to connect with others of a similar interest and who will accept you for who you are. The people on the said sites are also more sypathetic on certain issues and sometime, you're going to need the support and parents wouldn't understand the issues. Its the best way to escape the real world and have fun, I suppose.



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