Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New keyboard

...I've been procrastinating a little. There's a reason for it, I promise. It's not the best reason, but it's valid if you've had the experience yourself. My keyboard sucks. It's gross, hard to use, and far outdated. It got to the point that I couldn't use Ctrl+Alt+Delete because they were unable to be completely pressed down due to a decade of abuse.

But that's all over now! I just got a new keyboard (two hours ago, actually) that is grime-free and amazing. Already using it makes me want to type something, which is wonderful news because now I can finally write up that Wolf Haven post. And then Wajas.

I'm not really looking forward to reviewing Wajas. In fact, I'm rather dreading it. It's the response I'm fearing. I'm free to my opinion, but all of you are equal to argue yours. I'm never opposed to hearing others opinions (there is an exception with politics, but that's to be expected considering where I live), but some people don't understand the difference between expressing their views and flaming.

I have to write it though. And I will write it. Eventually.

Also, I'm adding Mahka to the "To Be Reviewed" list. I bought an alpha account on there not too long ago and am anxious to speak to you all about it. It'll mainly be an informational post (like Wolf Haven) considering it has a lot of potential to act upon, but there will be some of my personal views based on what I have experienced.

Because Mahka is in alpha stage, you'll be getting some information you can't find on the "About" page.

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