Friday, July 16, 2010

Quick survey of sorts

Yes, I know I'm still putting off the posting of Wolf-Haven and Wajas, but it will be done. However, I'm going to be a bit busier due to a new "job" of sorts I got, which I'll tell you guys more about eventually. In the meantime, I would like to gather valuable information that I hope to use in the creation of my future sim. Everyone's input is appreciated and it would stupendous if you shared this with your sim-playing friends. The more people who fill this out, the better.

Now for the survey:
  1. How important is the realism of a sim to you?
  2. Do you prefer a sim in which you must only log on every (other) day to take care of things or one in which you must be on everyday?
  3. If a sim requires that you login everyday, how important would the ability to freeze your account be?
  4. Do you prefer gameplay where there isn't much for you to do so that it requires little effort to attend to your animals or a style in which there are a lot of options?
  5. Would a site where your animals die turn you off?
  6. How important is a good community to you?
  7. How do you think moderators should be chosen on a site? What qualities do you believe a moderator should have?
  8. What makes you want to upgrade your account? What are your feelings towards sites that have the option for players to upgrade accounts?
  9. Would you like the option to choose specific perks instead of completely upgrading your account while still having the option to do so?
  10. How would you feel if your animals interacted with their environment and others without you doing anything? Such as them learning something? Note that you would be informed on this, you just won't have to initiate it.
  11. How long would you be willing to wait in order for your animal quantity to increase? Such as: You only have one animal and you must wait "x" amount of real life days to increase said quantity. Keep in mind the wait would be a one time thing.
  12. How much would you like to interact with your animals?
  13. How important would you say in-game currency is? For what reasons are they important?
  14. If you joined a site where players could battle their animals in order to gain something, would you like the option to turn this off at the cost of not gaining said thing? This thing would be rather important to the gameplay, but you would have the choice to turn it back on after a set time.
  15. How important are items to you? What kind of items do you consider the most important and the least important?
  16. What do you think about a site that uses dynamic images? How important are markings to you?
  17. How important are management options to you? Such as: Adjusting the description/name/priorities/etc of a "kennel" page.
  18. How much do you think staff should value user input?
  19. What are your opinions on the selling of alpha accounts? Should they be sold? If so, for how much?
  20. What immediately turns you away from a site?
  21. What makes you keep coming back for a long time?
Please try to fill this out neatly. Meaning, when you post a comment (or email this to me at don't just post the answer next the to question without attempting to distinguish between them. It would be amazingly wonderful that if you post your reply in a comment that you'd only post the number of the question and then your answer. If you email this, bolding the question would be best. If have anything to add, please do. Also, you do not have to fill out all the questions. Just put "pass" as your answer on the ones you don't want to reply to.

And again, please tell your friends about this survey so that I can get as many points of view as possible.


  1. 1. How important is the realism of a sim to you?
    -Not very important.
    2. Do you prefer a sim in which you must only log on every (other) day to take care of things or one in which you must be on everyday?
    -I prefer if you only have to log in once a week or so--my computer schedule is just weird like that.
    3. If a sim requires that you login everyday, how important would the ability to freeze your account be?
    -Very. I would definitely need this.
    4. Do you prefer gameplay where there isn't much for you to do so that it requires little effort to attend to your animals or a style in which there are a lot of options?
    -Lot's of options, though that doesn't mean that it takes and hour to take care of them but you CAN make caretaking last for a long time. Also, if I make a bad choice I don't want it to ruin my gameplay.
    5. Would a site where your animals die turn you off?
    -No. As long as it's not "You forgot to pet Bob. HE'S DEAD NOW."
    6. How important is a good community to you?
    -As long as community is a huge part of gameplay/isn't required, I don't care too much, though I dislike rude/bad communities.
    7. How do you think moderators should be chosen on a site? What qualities do you believe a moderator should have?
    8. What makes you want to upgrade your account? What are your feelings towards sites that have the option for players to upgrade accounts?
    9. Would you like the option to choose specific perks instead of completely upgrading your account while still having the option to do so?
    10. How would you feel if your animals interacted with their environment and others without you doing anything? Such as them learning something? Note that you would be informed on this, you just won't have to initiate it.
    -LOVE. Unless it's like "Bob ran into the street and got hit by a car." But I find it adds spice to a SIM.
    11. How long would you be willing to wait in order for your animal quantity to increase? Such as: You only have one animal and you must wait "x" amount of real life days to increase said quantity. Keep in mind the wait would be a one time thing.
    -Are there any advantages to having lots of animals? Though a week sounds pretty good.
    12. How much would you like to interact with your animals?
    -Lots and lots.
    14. If you joined a site where players could battle their animals in order to gain something, would you like the option to turn this off at the cost of not gaining said thing?
    This thing would be rather important to the gameplay, but you would have the choice to turn it back on after a set time.
    15. How important are items to you? What kind of items do you consider the most important and the least important?
    -Items get in the way. Unless they help your animal. Then they become MUST HAVE. If it's wigs, foot glitter, ect. that's just stupid, though some people do like it.
    17. How important are management options to you? Such as: Adjusting the description/name/priorities/etc of a "kennel" page.
    -I like being able to edit that stuff, though it's not like I'm going to quit the site just because I can't.
    18. How much do you think staff should value user input?
    -VALUE IT LIKE IT WILL SAVE YOUR LIVES. Because we're important and we're who you're trying to please, aren't we?
    20. What immediately turns you away from a site?
    -I hate ugliness. I little bit and I'm fine, but a lot and I leave before even taking a peek at other stuff. Mean players as well.
    21. What makes you keep coming back for a long time?
    -Friendliness, when there's plenty to do though not all of it is required, stuff like that.

  2. 1. Not important, if it's fun.
    2. I don't mind logging in every day to take care of stuff.
    3. Pretty important.
    4. I like games where there is a lot to do. I get bored easily and may quit if there isn't.
    5. No, I'd like it more than animals being unable to die. I'm getting sick of sites that are way too child-friendly.
    6. Extremely important.
    7. They should be active and helpful on the site. They should be able to keep their calm most of the time and not snap at members for any reason. They shouldn't play favorites. I know they're not perfect, but they need to at least try to restrain themselves.
    8. It has to have a pretty layout and pretty art. I like a nice community where I feel welcome and decent gameplay to keep me occupied.
    9. That's actually a good idea. I'd most likely just choose to have the tag perk.
    10. That's interesting. I wouldn't mind if a game had it.
    11. 3 - 4 days?
    12. Er, I'm not sure. xD As long as it doesn't take hours, obviously.
    13. Depends on the prices of things on the site, what things you absolutely have to buy to play the game, how much you start with, how easy it is to make money and how good the general economy is.
    14. Yes, I would. As long as everyone didn't turn their fight-mode thing off, cuz there'd be no one to battle then. xD
    15. Well, depends on a lot of stuff. :/ On what function these items have, the impact they have on your gameplay, ect.
    16. Pretty important. People like to have unique things.
    17. I'd be sad if I didn't have those options.
    18. They should definitely hear people out and consider their ideas. I've always liked the idea of setting up polls before making a big change as well, to avoid mobs of angry people with pitchforks.
    19. Yeah, to get a site started, it takes money. But anything over $20 seems ridiculous to me.
    20. I'm extremely superficial when it comes to joining an online game. It HAS to have a perfect layout and decent art, or I won't even consider it. It just doesn't look like the staff of the site have put much effort into it, if it looks subpar. :/ Also, if nothing on a site works due to way too many bugs, that'll make me leave pretty fast.
    21. Pretty layout, art, community, nice staff, enjoyable gameplay and if I feel like I belong. I've seen a lot of close communities that don't welcome newbies.

  3. 1. Not important.
    2. Don't mind.
    3. Not important if I could let somebody else look after my things.
    4. Little effort to do the important things, but with an option to make more effort and do little extras if you had loads of spare time.
    5. No, provided they lived long enough to give a good return on what I invested in them.
    6. Invaluable.
    7. By looking at people who show maturity and level-headedness on the forum and having them chosen by either the site owner or other moderators. Definitely not by a poll, definitely not by players. Their qualities should be maturity, selflessness, generosity, the ability to be articulate and to have the self-restraint to impose on themselves the penalty which is not interacting with other users the same as they did before. You can't have a respect agenda if you're just as silly as the other players, and, especially as sites get bigger, you end up needing a respect agenda because it's not possible to know everybody any more.
    8. Perks, and I don't mind. They have to fund themselves.
    9. Nope, I want to upgrade all or nothing.
    10. This would be quite pointless, I think! A game which didn't require me playing is of no interest to me. A game where part of it went on that didn't require me would just be a waste of coding and time because I'd pay that part no attention!
    11. I wouldn't. I would expect that if I put effort into a game (eg. by gaining money) that I'd see a return on my effort as a consequence of that effort, not a return on how long I can sit in front of my computer for...
    12. For everyday stuff, as efficiently as possible for quite a short amount of time, with some optional extras.
    13. Very. It allows people to accumulate things and actually is often the reason people play lots and lots! Not everybody is motivated by pets.
    14. I'd need a bit more context to answer this, but probably yes.
    15. Medium. Items are a return on effort investments you've made into the site, either because you can afford them with ingame currency or whatever.
    16. I like it as an entertainment factor, I don't think it's the basis of a site. Markings are a nice perk :)
    17. I would consider these basics and think it'd be very weird if they weren't there, for the simple reason that there's no reason not to...?
    18. I don't mind if they're implemented with a pinch of salt, but they should consider each and every one, even if just to say that the answer is no. It's not their implementation which I think is important, just the fact they've cared enough to look. An owner who's not got their own vision for the site would, in my opinion, be worse than an owner who has no vision but an endless capacity for implementing suggestions!
    19. I like the idea of getting in early. They need alpha testers anyway! Plus some instant income. I like it. I'd not pay more than $15.
    20. Over-complication, bad graphics, bad atmosphere, bad management.
    21. Community, changing goals.

  4. 1. Moderately important.
    2. Having to log on every day works for me because I have a fairly open schedule. If I don't have to log in every day, I typically forget about the game.
    3. Very important. Vacations, emergencies, and real life all happen -- it's nice to have your 'sim life' ready for you just as you left it.
    4. Depends on the things you'd have to do. Is it just a bunch of mindless clicking? Or is it interactive? Something you'd have to think about?
    5. No.
    6. I enjoy a more mature community, but I tend to keep to myself on sims, anyway. If the site is overrun with people that have no concept of grammar, I won't stay long.
    7. Moderators should be handpicked by the owner. They should have exemplary behavior and tact while upholding the rules and terms of service of the site.
    8. I would upgrade my account if I really loved the game, but felt that I was at a disadvantage in gameplay with a basic account. Games that have this option are okay, but it is nice for people who cannot pay to have the same basic opportunities on the game.
    9. I suppose.
    10. I like this idea a lot.
    11. At maximum, probably a week, if I was really hooked on the game.
    12. Quite a bit.
    13. Money makes the world go 'round. I would, however, like to play a sim where the economy wasn't so completely overinflated.
    14. I wouldn't join a 'battle' site in the first place. To me, it's reminiscent of dog/cock/whatever fighting.
    15. I only want items that are necessary for gameplay. I don't give a crap about items that affect appearance or are "collectables."
    16. It is not overly important to me.
    17. Important. I don't think I've ever played a game in which you couldn't do that?
    18. They should at least take the ideas into account, whether or not they are implemented.
    19. Fine to sell for $20 or less. I would only buy if the game looked amazing and accounts were under $10.
    20. Difficult to get into and succeed is the big one. Other factors are older players with elitist attitudes, disorganized layout, absent admin, dull and redundant gameplay, unoriginal ideas.
    21. I enjoy games that are different from the norm. Games that anyone can play and succeed at are also fantastic. I like to have enough things to do every day to keep me occupied, but not so many that I get overwhelmed when I don't have all day to sit on the internet. A good community is an added bonus, but interesting game play with adequate rewards is what I play for.

  5. 1. Very, when it comes to art style, not at all when it comes to everything else
    2. I like a sim that keeps my busy if im on for hours, but if im away for a month i shouldnt be totally behind
    3. Extreamly
    4. Very little effort
    5. A little
    6. Pretty important
    7. Experience and activity, maybe polularity
    8. Avatars, in game items or a specail advantage, but it cant be TOO exprencive
    9. That would be pretty cool
    10. Sounds interesting, but I'd like more details. Youd have to make a site around that, like PsyPets
    11. Not sure what you mean..breeding limits? Great, buying maybe not so much
    12. Optional interaction is great but I dont want to have to do a lot to keep them alive/happy
    13. Its kinda the secondary point isnt it? without the oney you can DO anything on a site
    14. It would be nice if i couldnt refuse said battles otherwise
    15. items that change the pets, and pretty acsessories...things that will be worth in game money
    16. EXTREAMLY important
    17.I think its a standard and very nice but not a deal breaker
    18. Should stick to their ideals but be flexable id users have good ideas/dont like something a lot
    19. Sure, helps jump start the site, but i like if you give some other alpha options like contests
    20. Lack of art, too much daily requirments, lack of things to keep me interested
    21. new things, community, pretty art i havent seen in a while. new pretty art

  6. 1. Not very important. I like dragons and unicorns and faeries.
    2. The less I NEED to log in, the better. There are some times that I can't log in every day (or even every other day), and I don't want to have to worry over the game if I can't log in.
    3. Extremely important, for the same reasons as seen above.
    4. Both. There should be minimal effort for things that you are REQUIRED to do (feeding), but plenty of things that you CAN do to make gameplay more fun.
    5. Not really, unless I paid real money for those specific animals (as in "customs" on breeding sims).
    6. Quite. The community, ideally, should be mature and open-minded.
    7. Mods should be chosen based on previous experience and ability to remain NEUTRAL, open-minded, and calm during conflict. The amount of time that a mod spends on the site and his/her relationship to the site owner should be lesser considerations (this is assuming that the mods are volunteers and not paid).
    8. More account customization and the ability to make more of the site's currency (such as being able to play more profit-earning games per day or receiving special gifts) makes me want to upgrade. I don't have a problem with having the option to upgrade an account, as long as EVERYONE can do it, even players that can't spend real money on the site; when a player purchases an upgrade with real cash, that player should be able to trade or sell that upgrade to another player for site items/currency (instead of using the upgrade for himself/herself).
    9. Of course! As long as these purchased perks are also transferrable to other players, as noted above.
    10. That sounds cool, and I'd like to see it.
    11. Depends on what the limit is and how easy it is to reach that limit in the first place. I think, once I do reach that limit, I'd be willing to wait a few days (maybe up to 5, maximum) for it to go away.
    12. Being able to play with them, train them, and maybe see their current mood would be nice. Mandatory interaction (such as feeding), of course, should be kept to a minimum. But generally, the more options for interaction, the better.
    13. Somewhat important. If users are meant to buy and sell things from each other, they need something to trade. It's also very important that currency inflation be slowed as much as possible.
    14. I suppose so. Some players might not like battling virtual pets.
    15. Fairly important. Functional items are most important to me. Eye-candy items are also fun to have, but less important.
    16. I very much enjoy dynamic images. They are not absolutely necessary, but it's nice to have a customizable or visually unique pet.
    17. Somewhat important. The more customization options I have, the happier I am.
    18. User input should be considered carefully. A site owner should not let users sway him or her into doing something that will hurt the site (primarily anything that would alienate other players/damage the integrity of the site), BUT their opinions should also be read and addressed. I think players appreciate having open conversation with a site owner about potential site features/changes. It can make them feel more valued, and some players may have an unusual but very important point of view to consider.
    19. I don't really care. Let people pay what they are willing to pay (hmm... auctions, perhaps?). I generally don't buy alpha accounts anyway.
    20. Anything that makes me feel excluded or judged, or makes me feel that others are being judged or excluded. Generally, "snottiness."
    21. Original ideas, great art, a good community and staff, and new features.

  7. 1. Not that important. It's too much of a hassle to have everyday needs. Although, realism it cool. =]
    2. Every other day. Logging in every day becomes a chore after a while.
    3. It better freeze.
    4. Gameplay.
    5. From disease? I would be cautious. From old age? No, that's only natural.
    6. Very. Hopefully they're very welcoming and not too much drama going on.
    7. In their ability to remain neutral and open-minded. Not so much their relation to the game owner, but perhaps popularity should play a role. Also, how active they are in the game and community and how long they've been playing and how knowledgeable they are about the game.
    8. If I play a game for long enough, then I'd want to upgrade to get perks. As long as you can upgrade by not paying real money (such as buying from other players through game currency or art), I'm fine with it.
    9. Yes, this would be very useful.
    10. Sounds cool. =]
    11. Not that long. I prefer faster gameplay.
    12. A lot. But I wouldn't want it to be mandatory everyday interactions.
    13. Very important, how else would we trade? Although, inflation should be kept to a minimum to allow newer members to compete in the markets.
    14. Yes. I personally don't mind battling pets, but others might not like this?
    15. Items are definitely important. The most important type would be food and training items. Equipment items, and items just for show are less important.
    16. Dynamic images are very interesting. Markings, along with genetics, are very interesting to me, and are very important in that they set goals for you to work towards.
    17. Somewhat important.
    18. I think staff should greatly value user input, but not let them totally change the site.
    19. I don't really mind. I don't tend to buy them though.
    20. If the community is in any way excluding of new members, or if the game itself is too complex.
    21. New features, a nice community and staff, art, and a continuous goal I have to work towards.

  8. 1. The art should definitely be realistic, but as for the storyline or other things liike that, it doesnt neccesarily have to be realistic. Fantasy storylines are just as much fun. But storylines like those on Wajas are cool. Real-ish creatures, but with a twist.

    2. I prefer a sim that doesnt necessarily require you to be on every single day, because i have things in my life that go on and i cant always be at my computer. But i dont like a game where all you can do it log in, feed/take care of things, then log out. Thats boring. But again, like wajas, you dont have to be on everyday, but maybe it should be a bit more often than you would on wajas.

    3. Very important. Real-life has to be taken care of first. And i dont want to worry about my sim game while im worrying about my real life. Like i said above.

    4. I prefer a style where there are alot of options. That makes it more interesting and more fun. It shouldnt take very much effort to do the required things, but it should also have other things that you can do to make the sim game more fun, while still not being a requirement.

    5. Yes, it would definitely turn me off. I dont want to have to worry about my animals dieing while im away.

    6. Very important. A good community makes the games easier and provides help and support.

    7. The moderators whould be chosen on a moral level. If they can make good decisions and help to improve the site by helping new players and such, than i think they should be a moderator. I think the moderator should be a morally good person, who is willing to help and to participate in the game. Helping to find bugs and willing to listen to complaints from players. Things like that.

    8. Extra special perks and options, like items or animals with special things, kinda like in Wajas. I personally think that having to pay real money for it is kind of a pain, cause i cant pay for an upgraded account if it needs real money. I dont mind it, if the option is there and you have to pay. But i still would like for non-upgraded accounts to be able to enjoy everything the sire has to offer. Again, i reference Wajas because they have done a really good job of this.

    9. Sure, that sounds cool. Im not sure i fully understand what you mean, but i think i get it, and that sounds like a cool idea.

    10. Yea, that sounds cool, too. Again, im not sure i understand what you mean, but i like the sound of it. So far, this is sounding like a unique sim game.

    11. Im not sure. I guess a few days, maybe up to a week.

    12. I would like the ability to interact with them quite a bit. Like, feeding, playing with them, taking care of them, etc.
    The more things that i can do with my pets, the better. But required actions, like feeding, should be kept to a minimum.

    13. In-game currency is pretty important. It could allow for players to be able to buy things like, accessories, toys, etc for their pets.

    14. Yes, as long as i could turn it back on when i wanted. Maybe after a period of, say....a week.

    15. Items are kind of important. They allow you to personalize your pet more. Things that allow you to personalize markings or to add accessories to your pet or something.

    16. I like a site that uses dynamic images. And the better quality the art is, the better i will like the site. Markings are very important to me. Like on Wajas, how you can have a VERY personalized animal. That is very good.

    17. Very important.

    18. Very much. The staff should still do their own thing, but they should listen to the users and take their opinion into high consideration.

    19. No, not for real money. I think that maybe you should offer like, X amount of alpha accounts per month/week/whatever and its first come, first serve. THat makes it easier for those who cant pay.

    20. Bad design and not many options. Bad storyline/idea. Lack of things to do. Bad language.

    21. Lots of options, lots of new ideas and new options. New things/ideas/animals/markins/etc. Like on wajas, how they introduce a new breed every now and then. Also, great art and design.


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